How to Hide or Change Password Protected Message and Form in WordPress

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how you can change password-protected message and the form in WordPress. WordPress allows you to have password-protected posts or pages. This basically means that only people who have the defined password will be able to access the content of that page/post.

The default, the message for this page will read “This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:”.

But sometimes, you might want to change the default password-protected message in WordPress.

First of all, to create a password-protected page, we simply edit the page/post, we click the ‘Edit’ link next to ‘Visibility’ on the right sidebar, select the ‘Password protected’ radio button and we can define a password as shown below:

How to Hide or Change Password Protected Message and Form in WordPress

Then when someone visits the page is will look something like this:

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How to Hide or Change Password Protected Message and Form in WordPress

How to Change the Default Message on the Password Protected post/page in WordPress

To do this, we can simply add the following code to our functions.php file:

 * Password Protected Message

function my_custom_password_form() {
    global $post;

    // Custom logic for the message
    $password_form_message = 
    __( '<p id="private-area-message">This is my new message for the protected area. If you would like access to this page, please send an email to <strong><a href="[email protected]">[email protected]</a></strong></p>' );

    // Put together the custom form using the dynamic message
    $label = 'pwbox-'.( empty( $post->ID ) ? rand() : $post->ID );
    $form = '<div class="container"><form class="protected-post-form" action="' . esc_url( site_url( 'wp-login.php?action=postpass', 'login_post' ) ) . '" method="post">
    ' . $password_form_message . '
    <label id="password-label" for="' . $label . '">' . __( "Password:" ) . ' </label><input name="post_password" id="' . $label . '" class="pw-window" type="password" size="20" /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-large" name="Submit" value="' . esc_attr__( "Submit" ) . '" />
    return $form;

add_filter( 'the_password_form', 'my_custom_password_form' );

After you have added this, your password-protected page will look as follows:

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How to Hide or Change Password Protected Message and Form in WordPress

We also included the form as well so we can make changes to the form label and submit input value.

Hiding the Password Protected Message

To do this, we can use the same code that we used above, the only thing we need to change is the $password_form_message value by simply setting this to '' (empty) as shown below:

      $password_form_message = 
        __( '' );

And that’s basically it, pretty simple, right? We hope this has helped – if you need any assistance, feel free to drop a comment below.